Cloud Managed Services

Services that offer complete, secure and efficient management of your cloud resources and infrastructure

Cloud Managed Services

Cloud managed services include regular monitoring, cloud service environment management, configuration and performance management, load balancing, optimizing cost, security and guideline monitoring, storage and capacity management as well as financial administration.    

Resource Optimization

It can help you find the services that best fit your workloads. It can help you configure services to optimize performance while minimizing costs. You can understand which pricing models are suitable for you.


Cloud managed services can help you integrate on premises and cloud resources from multiple providers. They can help you ensure cloud resources are accessible to employees, users and applications.

Predictable Costs

Many of the cloud services are subscription systems that meet a large group of needs. This provides more predictability and flexibility to choose how much you want to spend on these services.

Why Cloud Managed Services at iBeris?  

We Have the Right Solutions

Whether you are in need of managed infrastructure, networks, security, disaster recovery, containers, workplace solutions, applications or entire data centers, iBeris provides services up through the stack. We offer top notch services across public, private and hybrid cloud. 

Effective Management

At iBeris, we provide effective management of cloud services. Whether you are in need of a cloud infrastructure or a managed cloud service provider for managing hybrid environments and resources, we have the right solutions for you.

We Have Expertise

Team iBeris has implemented the balancing of cloud servers for leading IT Infrastructure companies. We also do configuration on existing cloud servers for better performance and can implement various types of load balancing. 

End-to-End Cloud Managed Services

  • Cloud Security  
  • Network and Storage  
  • Cloud Monitoring and Reporting  
  • Infrastructure Set Up  
  • Business Continuity  
  • Cloud Migration Services  

Benefits of Cloud Computing

  • Cloud computing can help you cut IT operational costs because the cloud provider manages the underlying hardware and software infrastructure. Those managed components are typically more reliable and safe than the standard corporate data center.  
  • The services free up valuable time for IT teams to focus on work that more directly benefits the business.  
  • The cloud is also global and immensely scalable, all of which accelerate the time to create and deploy software applications. It provides organizations with a whole host of novel services that enable the most popular trends in application structures and uses, including microservices, containers, serverless computing, machine learning, large-scale data analytics, IoT and more.  
  • Cloud services are popular due to several reasons. Consumers can easily obtain the services whenever they need it and often for free. Cloud services are easily accessible from anywhere, with an internet connection. 

FAQ: Cloud Managed Services

In its simplest form, the cloud refers to IT services, accessed via the Internet, where the location of the server is unknown to the user. Many of the most popular cloud services are free of cost. 

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) 
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)  

With IaaS, companies control their own computing, networking, and storing components without having to manage them on-premises physically. 

Dominating market are three hyperscalers: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). 

Cloud service models like Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) offers the ability to build custom software applications. PaaS offers users a suite of prebuilt tools to develop, customize, and test your own applications. 

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